2011 will arrive within minutes. “Endangered Wildlife”, the final Swarovski SCS Club trilogy, will be concluded as we Swarovski crystal fanatics anxiously await the arrival of Swarovski 2011 SCS Polar Bear Siku to our displays.
The Swarovski 2010 Annual Edition was the Tiger. The Swarovski Tiger retailed for $450. Swarovski also offered separate tiger cubs to its Swarovski SCS members. The Swarovski Standing Tiger Cub retailed for $180. The Swarovski Sitting Tiger Cub also retailed for $180.
The Swarovski 2010 Annual Edition Tiger, Standing Tiger Cub, and Sitting Tiger Cub were designed by Elisabeth Adamer. The Swarovski video on youtube briefly shows the Swarovski designer and how she began he journey into the development of this Swarovski figurine for the Swarovski Crystal Society members.
Since I like felines, both domestic and wild, I’m delighted with the design and that I have the 2010 SCS Tiger in my Swarovski crystal collection.
Happy New Year to all Kristall Buzz readers and Swarovski collectors!
Angie / Crystal Exchange America
Swarovski crystal figurines are available at Crystal Exchange America, a professional brokerage service of 25 years, dedicated to helping Swarovski collectors buy and sell retired Swarovski crystal figurines, ornaments, and collectibles.
Crystal Exchange America is reputable, knowledgeable, and has a world-wide customer base with thousands of satisfied customers. Swarovski crystal fanatics can go to www.CrystalExchange.com to obtain more information about safely listing, buying, and selling retired Swarovski, limited edition Swarovski, Swarovski Silver Crystal, and Swarovski crystal figurines.