The Swarovski trilogy, “Endangered Wildlife”, is the final trilogy for Swarovski crystal SCS members. With 2011 literally right around the corner, I thought this was a good time to celebrate the last series made and make ways for the new Swarovski SCS Polar Bear Siku.
The 2008 Annual Edition was the Swarovski Pandas. The SCS Pandas were packaged with a mother and young cub. Swarovski also offered a separate cub to its Swarovski SCS members. The panda pair retailed for $450. The separate panda cub retailed for $180.
Now, two years later, it does seem that this Swarovski crystal annual edition is selling for prices higher than original retail. For transactions completed in December, 2010, the Swarovski Pandas are closing at prices from $650 – $800. The Swarovski Panda cub transactions are completing in the price range of $225 – $275. This is good news for Swarovski crystal fanatics who may have purchased duplicate sets of these crystal figurines.
The Swarovski SCS 2008 Annual Edition Pandas and Panda cub were designed by Heinz Tabertshofer. Swarovski created a video, where I found it on youtube, that shows the Swarovski designer and how he was inspired by pandas in action.
Crystal Exchange America frequently has listings for the 2008 SCS Swarovski Pandas.
The Swarovski SCS Pandas from 2008 are annual editions that I am happy to have in my Swarovski crystal collection.
Angie / Crystal Exchange America
Swarovski crystal figurines are available at Crystal Exchange America, a professional brokerage service of 25 years, dedicated to helping Swarovski collectors buy and sell retired Swarovski crystal figurines, ornaments, and collectibles.
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