Recently, I learned that you can view the Swarovski Database of Crystal by Warner’s Blue Ribbon Books on the iPad!
Warner’s Blue Ribbon Books on Swarovski Crystal has been publishing books on Swarovski figurines since 1994. In 2000, they put their Swarovski Database online at and incorporated it into a subscription-based service that allows Swarovski Crystal collector users to run queries to access the same information as their printed books at virtually half the cost. Subscribers can view Swarovski Name, Swarovski Part Number, Swarovski System Number, Swarovski Designer, MSRP, ERV (better known as the Swarovski Value for insurance purposes), dimensions, Swarovski Introduction Date, Status (year retired or current), which Swarovski Logos are on the figurine, and a paragraph of information on the crystal piece.
Within the past month, Warner’s Blue Ribbon Books has put their online subscription services to the test on one of the newest computing platforms available.the Apple iPad. The web site passed with flying colors. Users found the WBRBOnline subscription service to the Swarovski database to be easy to use and easy to view. Using the iPad to view the database of 2800+ Swarovski figurines was just like using the computer, but the benefits of having the iPad meant that the Swarovski database is available for use anywhere there is an internet connection! I would imagine that the same may hold true for ‘smart phones’, but do think that the smaller screens on phones could provide challenges with reading the smaller text.

This is great news for Swarovski crystal fanatics who may have gotten the Apple iPad for Christmas. If not, perhaps this new information is enough to justify purchasing a new Apple iPad.