Since 2011 is only hours away, I thought this was a good time to rejoice and remember the final Swarovski trilogy, “Endangered Wildlife” and look forward to the new Swarovski 2011 SCS Polar Bear Siku.
The Swarovski Gorillas were the 2009 Annual Edition pair. The 2009 Annual Edition was the Swarovski Gorillas. The SCS Gorillas were packaged with a mother and young cub. Swarovski also offered a separate cub to its Swarovski SCS members. The gorilla set retailed for $475. The separate gorilla cub retailed for $180.
Now, a year after the SCS Gorillas retired, it does seem that this Swarovski crystal annual edition is still popular with Swarovski collectors. For transactions completed in December, 2010, the Swarovski Gorillas are closing at prices from $350 – $600. The Swarovski Gorilla cub transactions were not plentiful and completed transactions were below original retail price.
The Swarovski 2009 Annual Edition Gorillas and Gorilla cub were designed by Anton Hirzinger. The Swarovski video on youtube briefly shows the Swarovski designer and how he was inspired by gorillas in their natural setting.
I’m pleased that the SCS Gorillas from 2009 are a part of my Swarovski crystal collection.
Angie / Crystal Exchange America
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