Our favorite crystal giant is hosting several Swarovski Events, with Swarovski designers in attendance to sign their creations. Swarovski designers scheduled to attend are Anton Hirzinger and Elisabeth Adamer.
Anton Hirzinger has created over 120 Swarovski figurines. This Swarovski designer is credited for the following 2010 and 2011 Swarovski crystal releases: Swarovski Arctic Hare 2011 SCS, Swarovski Polar Bear Cubs White Opal SCS, Swarovski Polar Bear Cubs Crystal Moonlight SCS, Swarovski Arctic Flower Ornament, Swarovski Siku Polar Bear 2011 SCS, Swarovski Soulmates Bear, Swarovski Lovlots Nick (Hedgehog), Swarovski Lovlots Spike (Hedgehog), Swarovski Lovlots Romeo (Frog), Swarovski Lovlots Ted (Bear), and Swarovski Soulmates Swan. A longer list of the Swarovski Anton Hirzinger designs can be found at the Swarovski site (but does not include the Crystal Moments figurines).
Elisabeth Adamer is credited with about 25 designs from 2006 to 2011. This Swarovski designer is credited
for the following 2010 and 2011 Swarovski crystal releases: Swarovski Sea Goldies Topaz, Swarovski Surgeonfish Scuba Blue, Swarovski Batfish Smoky Quartz, Swarovski Myriad Alsaqr Alamake (Limited Edition), Swarovski Tiger 2010 SCS, Swarovski Tiger Kiran, Swarovski Fire Ornament, Swarovski Tiger Cub Standing SCS, Tiger Cub Sitting SCS, and Swarovski Bee-eaters. A complete list of the Swarovski Elisabeth Adamer designs can be found at the Swarovski site.
I was able to confirm the following events being held in Florida in April, 2011:
- Friday, April 22, 2011 5:00 – 8:00pm
- Saturday, April 23, 2011 3:00 – 5:00pm
- Monday, April 25, 2011 5:00 – 8:00pm
- Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:00 – 8:00pm
- Can you bring your own Swarovski figurines, or do they need to be purchased the day of the event from the hosting store?
- Will the Swarovski designers sign retired Swarovski crystal? If not, then only 2011 introductions will be signed. Often, it must be a current design.
- Is there a maximum quantity that you can have signed? Often, it is limited to two figurines per customer.
- Are any special purchases required, or can you attend simply to meet the designer and have a piece signed?
Swarovski figurines bearing the designer’s signature do typically command higher prices on the Swarovski secondary market. Crystal Exchange America presently has over 100 items available that feature Swarovski designer signatures.
Angie / Crystal Exchange America
Swarovski crystal figurines are available at Crystal Exchange America, a professional brokerage service of 25 years, dedicated to helping Swarovski collectors buy and sell retired Swarovski crystal figurines, ornaments, and collectibles.
Crystal Exchange America is reputable, knowledgeable, and has a world-wide customer base with thousands of satisfied customers. Swarovski crystal fanatics can go to www.CrystalExchange.com to obtain more information about safely listing, buying, and selling retired Swarovski, limited edition Swarovski, Swarovski Silver Crystal, and Swarovski crystal figurines.