I get many questions about Swarovski boxes and Swarovski cylinders. So here’s a chance for some explanation on the packaging that Swarovski uses to protect the ‘silver crystal’ figurines during shipping and storage at the store prior to purchase.
The earliest boxes used are gray cylinders with the old Swarovski logo (block SC logo) printed on them. Many of the gray cylinders had two removable plastic ends, so that the crystal figurines could easily be taken out from the top or bottom of the cylinder. (Sometimes the fit was snug with the foam, and it takes more access to pull the figurine out.) Some plastic ends have the block SC stamped into them, and some do not. I have also seen ‘metal ends’ on cylinders, but very rarely.

The block SC logo was replaced by the Swan logo in 1989, so the gray cylinders were modified to have the Swan logo printed on them. Initially, these gray cylinders also had two removable plastic ends. Some plastic ends have the Swarovski swan stamped into them, and some do not. Later, one end was modified to a permanent cardboard-like bottom, and access is only available opening the top end of the cylinder. This modification may have been a money-saving opportunity or perhaps a safety concern for the figurine as the plastic ends do not stay snug on the Swarovski cylinders indefinitely.

Around 2002, Swarovski changed their corporate colors to navy blue. At this time, the cylinders changed colors again, to navy blue. The navy blue cylinders have the Swarovski swan printed on them and have access via the top only, as only that end is detachable from the cylinder.

Angie / Crystal Exchange America
Swarovski crystal figurines are available at Crystal Exchange America, a professional brokerage service of 25 years, dedicated to helping Swarovski collectors buy and sell retired Swarovski crystal figurines, ornaments, and collectibles.
Crystal Exchange America is reputable, knowledgeable, and has a world-wide customer base with thousands of satisfied customers. Swarovski crystal fanatics can go to www.CrystalExchange.com to obtain more information about safely listing, buying, and selling retired Swarovski, limited edition Swarovski, Swarovski Silver Crystal, and Swarovski crystal figurines.