Swarovski crystal figurines are available at Crystal Exchange America, a professional brokerage service of 25 years, dedicated to helping Swarovski collectors buy and sell retired Swarovski crystal figurines, ornaments, and collectibles.
Crystal Exchange America is reputable, knowledgeable, and has a world-wide customer base with thousands of satisfied customers. Swarovski crystal fanatics can go to www.CrystalExchange.com to obtain more information about safely listing, buying, and selling retired Swarovski, limited edition Swarovski, Swarovski Silver Crystal, and Swarovski crystal figurines.
Yesterday, Swarovski launched their final weekend special for 2011 a limited edition pendant / earring set. Swarovski’s advertises the Etoile Set being limited to 500 sets, which are available through Sunday evening or until they are sold out.
Swarovski Limited Edition Etoile Neckalce and Earrings
This limited edition is the Swarovski Etoile Set. The set features an asymmetric star on a rhodium-plated chain complete with a pair of matching pierced star earrings. This Swarovski limited edition set costs right at $150 and should include free shipping.
Curious to know how this limited edition got its name, I googled ‘etoile’ for a definition. Not too surprising, the Miriam Webster Dictionary indicated that it is a foreign term meaning in the shape of a star or the principal dancer in a ballet company.
Swarovski also offers the Swarovski Flicker Charm and the stars on the charm to be very similar to the Etoile star.
With only about 24 hours remaining, be sure and get your limited edition Swarovski Etoile Set ordered soon if this looks like the perfect gift for the Swarovski crystal collectors in your friends and family circle.
Hoping that everyone is having an enjoyable pre-Christmas shopping season!
During the past couple of weeks, I noticed a Swarovski Soulmate Panther on eBay, which is advertised by the seller to be a very rare prototype. This particular Swarovski figurine just might raise the eyebrows of Swarovski crystal fanatics wanting more information about it.
It can be very difficult to tell which items are truly Swarovski prototypes, and which items have after-market alterations enhancements and are misrepresented for sellers to make a buck. The controversy will always remain without official company statements, which I seriously doubt would ever happen.
This press release is about a rare Swarovski Poodle purchased by a Swarovski crystal collector from Crystal Exchange America in October, 2010. While official Swarovski literature shows the standing poodle with both a frosted tail and a clear tail, some critics still speculate that the crystal brand did not officially produce both the Standing Poodle with clear tail and Standing Poodle with frosted tail.
This press release is about a Swarovski Frosted Mane Lion that is for sale at Crystal Exchange America. I’m not aware of any official company statement regarding its authenticity. Having it for sale on our web site, I do get asked my opinion about the authenticity. I can only say that I really don’t know.the Swarovski Frosted Mane Lion is interesting, and it is attractive. If the price is right and you like it, buy it. But I do not recommend a Swarovski collector purchase it with the impression that it is genuine and that it will increase in value, because there is simply no proof at this time to substantiate the claim.
Swarovski Soulmate Panther, with Frosted Crystal Appearance
So, now on eBay (a closed auction), is a Swarovski Soulmate Frosted Panther, which the seller claims is a rare prototype, a part of the Eclectic Panther collection, in the Moments of Wonder display at Swarovski Vienna. The seller’s description clearly states frosted flocked white (matt) And that it is very rare, prototype, about 15 pieces worldwide. What might be actually concluded about the authenticity of the Swarovski Panther from the auction?
The seller indicated that the Frosted Panther is on display at Swarovski Vienna. There is a picture of part of the display, but it is impossible to tell if a Swarovski Frosted Panther is actually displayed there. Why wouldn’t the seller have used a more conclusive photo for proof?
The seller indicated that it is prototype, with about 15 produced. One of our trusted contacts has indicated to me that Swarovski NEVER frosted the panther, that the only explanation is that a frosted panther is an after-market alteration.
Swarovski crystal fanatics will have to form their own opinion. IF this is a fake (aftermarket enhancement), I think it is sad that society has risen to the level of deceit to cash in from altering a fabulous Swarovski design, then misleading the public that the Swarovski company produced it AS IS. And if it is genuine, the seller is going to have to come up with better proof of the statements in the auction.i.e. high quality conclusive photos of the display, perhaps prototype logos, or official company statement. It will be interesting to follow this figurine through the holidays to see if it does ever sell. I originally saw it listed and closed unsold for $5500 or best offer. Several days later, it was relisted and closed unsold for $3950 or best offer. My recommendation is that everyone should use caution when purchasing crystal advertised as prototypes, as this could be extremely difficult to substantiate. Personally, I would even remain leery of crystal figurines that slipped out the back door, and the like.
I certainly don’t wish to put a damper on anyone’s holiday spirits.I just want to provide some food for thought so that no one ends up with buyer’s remorse about spending a nice chunk of change on what could be a fraudulent figurine (aftermarket enhancement).
On the crystal brands own web site, there is Swarovski News about a Hollywood-style event taking place at the end of October, 2011. This designer signing event is a gala occasion for avid Swarovski collectors.
The announcement states that this Swarovski crystal gala is October 29, 2011 9:00 – 5:00 at the Sofitel Hotel in Los Angeles, CA. The designers attending are Anton Hirzinger and Heinz Tabertshofer. Anton Hirzinger is the designer who created Swarovski Siku, (2011 SCS member edition), the Polar Bear Cubs that accompany Siku (purchased separately) , and the Arctic Hare (the special event piece).
Planned activities at the Hollywood event include:
Having Swarovski crystal figurines signed by these two incredible designers of course!
Naturally, plenty of opportunity to purchase more Swarovski crystal!
Viewing of the new Crystal Myriad, the Swarovski Longwang Dragon
Create a Walk of Fame star design
A Studio game show, complete with prizes (Swarovski crystal?)
1940’s cocktail party
And LOTS more
This truly sounds like an event to remember!
The Crystal Myriad Longwang Dragon sounds interesting. The other Swarovski Crystal Myriads have been limited editions and retail for $8000 – $16,000 USD. I am believing that this new Crystal Myriad in 2011 will follow suit being a limited edition. As far as price goes, that will likely be a function of the production time and quantity produced. But since the other Crystal Myriads have been out of my budget range, I don’t expect I’ll be adding the Longwang Dragon to my collection either.
Reservations are required and registration deadline is October 21. Event cost $55 for the afternoon and dinner for SCS members is additional.
More details on this exciting Swarovski event is available on the crystal brand’s website. I wish I were a lot closer to LA so that I could be there. I’ll be thinking of all the attending lucky Swarovski crystal collectors on that day!
Who would have thought that my little Swarovski figurines were chit-chatting away in my crystal cabinet while I was sleeping, or perhaps, even sneaking out when I’m not home? Apparently, Swarovski Missy Mo and Swarovski Kris Bear are friends I’m glad they are happy!
Swarovski Missy Mo (left) and Swarovski Kris Bear (right)
And our little crystal friends are not exempt from the paparazzi either. Kris Bear and Missy Mo were recently spotted at a secret location, of all things, trying on costumes to go trick or treating! Missy Mo was trying on an orange outfit, sporting a black cow bell. Kris Bear put on devilish orange horns and is carrying his jack-o-lantern bucket for candy.
Swarovski Halloween Mo (left) and Swarovski Halloween Kris Bear (right)
Swarovski Missy Mo is a member of the Swarovski Lovlots Pioneers group. This crystal figurine introduced in 2005 and remains in the current product offerings. Swarovski Kris Bear was a part of the Silver Crystal product line. It was produced from 1993 to 2001. Swarovski Halloween Mo is also a member of the Swarovski Lovlots group, however, it is a limited edition available only in 2009. Swarovski Halloween Kris Bear is a brand new 2011 introduction, and a Swarovski limited edition 2011 figurine as well in the Crystal Moments product line.
Crystal Exchange America has a virtual inventory of Swarovski Kris Bear, and Swarovski Halloween Mo. The Swarovski shoppe has the Swarovski Missy Mo and Swarovski Halloween Kris Bear available. Swarovski Limited Edition Halloween Kris Bear now as it just went online about a week ago. It is a limited edition for 2011, so. get yours quickly as supplies are limited.
Now, I can’t help but wonder who else are friends and what else is going on in my crystal cabinet!
The Swarovski crystal company produced some very exotic and colorful birds which are a part of the Crystal Paradise theme group. These four Swarovski Birds range in height of 7.5 – 11.5 inches in height and are affixed to a natural-colored wooden pedestal. All the birds in the Crystal Paradise group all retailed for $950 when brand new at the Swarovski stores.
left to right, Toucan, Green Rosella, Cockatoo & Macaw
Swarovski Toucan – 9600 000 042 / 850 600. This Swarovski bird was produced 2006 through 2009. The Swarovski artist of this figurine was Roland Schuster. Many collectors refer to it as the Black Diamond Toucan since the crystal brand also made two other Swarovski toucan figurines: the Up in the Trees toucan 1989 – 1992 and a toucan with a colored beak 1999 – 2009. The Black Diamond Toucan is primarily a translucent black color, highlighted with a red tip on the end of its long beak
Swarovski Green Rosella – 9600 000 085 / 901 601. This Swarovski bird was produced 2007 through 2010. Heinz Tabertshofer was the Swarovski designer of this figurine, the only Crystal Paradise bird by him. The Green Rosella is mostly yellow, with blue tips on the tail and wings.
Swarovski Cockatoo – 9600 000 020 / 718 565. This Swarovski bird was produced 2001 through 2004. The Swarovski designer was Roland Schuster. It is a pretty pink cockatoo with a red, yellow, and white plume. The crystal brand also made a much smaller clear Swarovski cockatoo 2001 – 2006.
Swarovski Macaw – 9600 000 011 / 685 824. This Swarovski bird was launched in 2005 and while it is listed as a 2011 retirement, it is no longer available for purchase in the Swarovski shoppe online. Roland Schuster was the Swarovski artist credited with this design. The macaw is a beautiful bluish green with other colored accents.
Our favorite crystal brand also produced the Swarovski Thimbles which were frosted birds perched on clear thimble-type bases. The birds on the thimbles include: Eagle, Cockatoo, Owl, Parrot, and Toucan.
So why write about the Swarovski Crystal Paradise Birds now? Well these birds are quite expensive, and quite large. Some display cases are not even capable of displaying them due to the height of the crystal figurines, so collectors may shy away from them. However, in the past 2 months, we have seen a jump in sales of them.especially in the Swarovski Black Diamond Toucan. Swarovski crystal collectors are reporting that the toucan is particularly hard to find.
If you are bird fanatics or crystal fanatics and have only a partial set of these big birds, but wish to have an entire set, you may wish to complete your collection soon before the rest of them become hard to find. At the Crystal Exchange America web site: www.CrystalExchange.com , all these Swarovski birds can be found in the Birds category of the store.
The Swarovski Orange Shine Online Limited Edition launched online about 10 days ago for purchase. I quickly placed my order, not wanting to pay higher prices once it sold out. I was quite excited for it to arrive only 5 days after I got my order placed. I didn’t really know what to expect in an orange shine colored panther. I was thrilled once I was able to see it in person. I really like it!
Now, the Swarovski Orange Panther is appearing everywhere for sale. There are at least five of them on eBay, and collectors are listing them with our service at Crystal Exchange America. Naturally, collectors are hoping to sell them for a profit, as the advertised prices are $1800 and up everywhere outside of the Swarovski shoppe.
Honestly, I did think this Swarovski crystal panther would be sold out in just a few days. The panther was a well-liked design. The maximum production is low (888 units), and the price point is affordable. I thought this would be a winning combination for Swarovski crystal collectors. My thoughts now are that perhaps collectors are thinking three panthers are ENOUGH. Or perhaps, collectors are still a bit nervous about an orange panther.
In any case, we urge collectors to double-check with the Swarovski site before making a decision to purchase elsewhere. Some eBay sellers are reporting that it is sold out, when in fact, it is not. If there is a particular sequence number that is a must have, then the seller has the upper hand on pricing. If not, buy it where is it priced the lowest.
The designer for the Swarovski Soulmate Panther figurines is Heinz Tabertshofer. All the crystal figurines are fully faceted animals attached to black spot granite bases. The limited editions are engraved in the granite base with a unique # and the words limited online edition. Swarovski Panthers have been sold in the following colors: clear, black, moroda, and orange.
The Limited Edition Black Panther is trading at seller-prodfitable prices on the secondary market, in the $3000 to $3500 range. If this is any long-term indicator of success for the Swarovski Limited Edition Orange Shine Panther, you’ll want place your order now, so that you won’t have to pay secondary market prices to add it to your Swarovski crystal collection. Should this occur before you get the Panther added to your collection, check out the the “Limited Edition Swarovski” category of our store at www.CrystalExchange.com .
Swarovski introduced a cute Kris Bear figurine holding his skis and poles in 1999. The official name of the crystal figurine is Kris Bear with Skis.
The Swarovski Kris Bear with Skis was produced with 2 different variations, but both recognized with the same Swarovski part number 7637 000 004 and system numbers 234 710. Kris Bear with Skis was designed by Martin Zendron, and it retailed for $85. While the Kris Bear tradition continues, the Kris Bear with Skis figurine was ultimately retired in 2004.
Swarovski Kris Bear with Skis
Swarovski crystal fanatics are probably asking about the history and reasoning of the variations on the Kris Bear with Skis figurines.
Viewing the picture, collectors can see that the figurine with the crystal disc base is likely to be more stable and less likely to tip over. It is widely believed that this is the reason that the base was added to the Swarovski Kris Bear with Skis figurine.
So how long was the variation without the base produced? The production time or quantity is unknown. The theory is that the unsteadiness was discovered fairly early, and the ones without the base may have been samples for Swarovski representatives to take to the retail stores and the remainder of the first bulk production ended up on store shelves. One thing for sure, the Kris Bear with Skis (no base) is a Swarovski HTF figurine, and it does command higher prices on the secondary market.
Swarovski Swan logo
When crystal figurines appear on the market in multiple variations, collectors sometimes wonder about authenticity and counterfeiting. Both variations of the Kris Bear with Skis would not likely be counterfeited simply by removing/adding a base. This is because of the location of the Swarovski Swan logo on the figurine. For the variation without the base, the swan logo is directly on the foot. For the variation with the base, the swan logo is on the base. Taking a crystal figurine, and carefully removing the base would result in a figurine without the swan logo at all. For this particular Swarovski figurine, a Kris Bear with Skis (no base variation), this should raise a BIG RED FLAG as being altered (base removed).
If I were to purchase the Swarovski Kris Bear with figurines for myself or as a gift, I would select the one with the base. I would not want one that would be more likely to tip over and break, complicated by the fact that it would be more difficult to replace.
If you are looking for any of the retired Kris Bear crystal figurines, Crystal Exchange America has nearly 70 available for purchase. Swarovski Kris Bear figurines. They can be found in the “Other Silver Crystal” category, “Toys” subcategory.
Swarovski has uploaded a video to YouTube highlighting the re-opening of Swarovski Innsbruck nearly 2 weeks ago. According to the Swarovski video description, A dazzlingly revamped SWAROVSKI INNSBRUCK reopened its doors on August 26. Located in the center of town in a historic building, the new store is a radiant modern shopping destination. Around four hundred guests assembled at an exclusive opening gala to celebrate the occasion.
One thing I did notice in the video, were the crystal-decorated bugs. I didn’t know what to make of that, but the source articles below mention presenting the complexity of the world through the motif of fruit fly and an oscillation between science and art.
I found so much information about sightseeing, the community, the renovation, that trying to summarize in a short post would not be possible. So instead, I’m going to provide a few of the best-quality links for our Swarovski Kristall Buzz readers to follow:
In 2001, Swarovski began producing small zodiac figurines, but it was not until 2003 that they produced the first Swarovski Zodiac Rabbit. Last year (2010), the crystal company produced two more Chinese Zodiac Rabbits. This exclusive article by the Kristall Buzz contains information and contrasting features about the zodiac Swarovski Rabbit figurines produced by our favorite crystal brand.
Chinese Zodiac Rabbit (left), Zodiac Rabbit (center), Limited Edition Chinese Zodiac Rabbit (right)
Swarovski Zodiac Rabbit – The first zodiac rabbit was a part of the Swarovski Silver Crystal product line, in the Chinese Zodiacsâ theme group. This zodiac rabbit is on the smaller side, measuring about 1.25″ in height. The Swarovski identification numbers are 7693 000 009 / 622 845. It was designed by Anton Hirzinger. The zodiac rabbit was introduced in 2003 and it retired in 2005. This zodiac rabbit originally retailed for $60.
Chinese Zodiac Rabbit Seal
In 2010, Swarovski released two more zodiac rabbits. These rabbits are larger and are in the Chinese Zodiacs collection. Both 2010 releases measure about 4.25 in height. Both are mounted on a clear crystal base. Underneath, the clear base in engraved in matte finish with an English and Chinese seal script. These Zodiac figurines are the result of a collaboration between Swarovski and CAFA.
Swarovski Chinese Zodiac Rabbit – The most common Chinese Zodiac Rabbit can be identified using Swarovski’s part number and system number: 9100 000 190 / 1 046 179 . The color is silver shade. It retails for $300.
Swarovski Limited Edition Chinese Zodiac Rabbit – The other rabbit is the Chinese Zodiac Rabbit, Limited Edition. The Swarovski identification numbers are Limited Edition – 9100 000 192 / 1 046 377. The color for this figurine is golden shine. It has the inscription Limited Edition 2011 in the base. This limited edition figurine was available in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau October, 2010 – January 2012. Being a limited edition, this figurine also includes a special certificate. Check out the Kristall Buzz article: Swarovski Certificate of Authenticity for Chinese Zodiacs for more information on the certificate.
You are a Rabbit if you were born in these years: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, or 2011 (add or subtract 12 years to continue the pattern). You Rabbits can google chinese rabbit personality for more information on personality traits and characteristics.
All three Swarovski Zodiac Rabbit figurines can be purchased either from Swarovski or a reputable retired Swarovski dealer:
Swarovski Zodiac Rabbit (retired) from the Silver Crystal product line is at Crystal Exchange America
Swarovski Zodiac Rabbit from the Chinese Zodiacs is at the Swarovski shoppe
Through some business relationships, we recently learned about bottles with the Swarovski label affixed to them. The bottle has been referred to as abitters bottle.
Background: According to Wikipedia, “bitters is an alcoholic beverage that is flavored with herbal essences and has a bitter or bittersweet flavor. There are numerous brands of bitters that were formerly marketed as patent medicines but are now considered to be digestifs, rather than medicines. They commonly have an alcoholic strength of 45% ABV and are used as digestifs as flavoring in cocktails.”
Dating back as far as the early 19th century, bitters bottles were known for their unusual shapes, colors and ornate designs. Bitters were supposedly cures for stomach illnesses, but in reality alcohol disguised as medicine. Bitters were popular wherever and whenever alcohol was not acceptable.
Swarovski Bitters Bottle and GlassesSwarovski Label
The bottle in the picture is about 7″ tall. The 6 glasses are slightly taller than 2″.
From the information we have gathered from our reliable contacts, the container and glasses were purchased from a Tyrolean glass-blowing company and an artist at Swarovski hand-painted them. It is for this reason that the Swarovski sticker label is attached to the bottle and glasses. The bitters bottle and glasses were available for purchase in a shoppe that was likely open to Swarovski employees only.
What a tremendous find on rare Swarovski! Who would have thought there to be any connection between the bottle, glasses, and our favorite crystal brand? It was only because of the Swarovski sticker label, still attached that it was possible to make any such connection. Because of the octagonal shaped label, this suggests dating of the bottle and glasses in the 1970’s and mid-1980’s.
Other rare Swarovski finds and sales have been documented on the Kristall Buzz in 2011:
Look for more rare Swarovski stories on the Kristall Buzz, and check out the Crystal Exchange America web site www.CrystalExchange.com for rare Swarovski figurines!