Liza Schmidt of Germany was the lucky winner of the Swarovski crystal video contest that ended just last week. Her video is focused on the Swarovski Nirvana Ring and the possible powers it may hold.
Here are the winner’s thoughts and comments, taken directly from Swarovski’s social media page:
The idea for the video came from her husband after they saw a green Nirvana ring for the first time. According to Liza “we were really inspired by the power the ring has to transform the mood of the wearer when it is placed on the finger. It really can send you to a far-away place like Nirvana or heaven. For each person heaven is a special place and for this nomadic Buddah in the video we thought that heaven would be opposite of his daily life. Although in the end he decided to remain in the desert, the Nirvana ring still holds the power to transform. We had so much fun making this video and we are delighted it was chosen as the winner!”
Congratulations to Liza! Her Swarovski Nirvana Ring video will air at the Swarovski store on Times Square in NY. Liza also wins a round trip package to Milan which includes Swarovski VIP tickets to the fashion event of the year. And there’s more….Liza will receive (probably alot of ) Swarovski jewelry and time with (an unnamed) celebrity guest! Well done Liza! Looking forward to your next video adventure!
Angie / Crystal Exchange America
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