The Swarovski Lovlots showcase is showing some colorful new characters…the most noticeable being the new Swarovski Dinosaurs!

Swarovski has created 5 new characters, all types of dinosaurs, who are a part of Lovlots community according to the crystal giant’s own web site:
- Swarovski Big T Dinosaur, a Tyrannosaurus Rex retailing for $100
- Swarovski Brett Dinosaur, a Brontosaurus retailing for $160
- Swarovski Pippa Dinosaur, a Pterodactyl retailing for $50
- Swarovski Stephanie Dinosaur, a Stegosaurus retailing for $100
- Swarovski Travis Dinosaur, a Triceratops retailing for $100
The five crystal dinosaurs are definitely out of the ordinary. In Swarovski trends from past years, there has been a limited edition for the new group. As none of these dinosaurs are identified as limited editions, I’m wondering if there is yet another Swarovski Dinosaur to be released yet in 2013?
Swarovski has released several other crystal dinosaurs:
- Swarovski Dino 7550 000 010 / 268 204. Available 2002 through 2005 from Swarovski.
- Swarovski Lovlots Jay D. Dino – 9400 000 052 / 832 181. Available 2006 through 2007 from Swarovski.
So cheers to Swarovski’s newest characters representing the enormous, extinct reptiles of the earth!
Angie / Crystal Exchange America
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