Swarovski has produced and uploaded a video to YouTube about the Lovlots Theo traveling the globe. The video shows Lovlots Theo (not to be confused with Theo the Turtle) at various locations in SouthEast Asia.
Swarovski Theo is a black cat, posed in a Halloween position and designed by Edith Mair. Theo the cat is in the Lovlots collection, specifically the grouping House of Cats. Theo was the Limited Edition Lovlots figurine for 2009. Other Swarovski House of Cats character kitties that reside in the posh Lovlots Park Hills district include:
- Swarovski Diane 988017, retires in 2011. Pale chocolate cat modeling her strand of pearls designed by Edith Mair.
- Swarovski Emily 995045 Fashion fuschia feline, with a butterfly resting on her ear, designed by Peter Heidegger.
- Swarovski Marie and Pierre 995011, retires in 2011. Pale blue and pale burgundy pair of romancing kitties designed by Edith Mair.
- Swarovski Ines 995008. Soft seal cat, decorated with a choker, designed by Edith Mair.
- Swarovski Camille 995006, retires in 2011. A sleeping bronze cat designed by Stefanie Nederegger.
Like any manufacturer, Swarovski is about promoting new and current products. I’m a bit confused as to their selection of figurines for this video a retired black cat. Perhaps because Theo photographed well (taking good pictures of crystal can be tricky!)? Perhaps they are planning to introduce a bigger Theo? Only Swarovski knows the answer to this question.
Toward the end of the video, they mention taking pictures of Theo on his journey around the world and posting them to Facebook for a prize. So there is some kind of Swarovski Theo Competition on the horizon, but I was not able to locate any further information on the subject.
If you are planning to participate in the Swarovski Theo Contest, and do not have this Limited Edition Lovlots figurine in your collection, you can find Swarovski Theo at www.crystalexchange.com . Simply use the search feature and type in ‘Theo’ (without quotes). Be sure to purchase the limited edition cat as I don’t believe Swarovski wants to see the Theo the Tortoise in photograph submissions!
Angie / Crystal Exchange America
Swarovski crystal figurines are available at Crystal Exchange America, a professional brokerage service of 25 years, dedicated to helping Swarovski collectors buy and sell retired Swarovski crystal figurines, ornaments, and collectibles.
Crystal Exchange America is reputable, knowledgeable, and has a world-wide customer base with thousands of satisfied customers. Swarovski crystal fanatics can go to www.CrystalExchange.com to obtain more information about safely listing, buying, and selling retired Swarovski, limited edition Swarovski, Swarovski Silver Crystal, and Swarovski crystal figurines.