The Swarovski Orange Shine Online Limited Edition launched online about 10 days ago for purchase. I quickly placed my order, not wanting to pay higher prices once it sold out. I was quite excited for it to arrive only 5 days after I got my order placed. I didn’t really know what to expect in an orange shine colored panther. I was thrilled once I was able to see it in person. I really like it!

Now, the Swarovski Orange Panther is appearing everywhere for sale. There are at least five of them on eBay, and collectors are listing them with our service at Crystal Exchange America. Naturally, collectors are hoping to sell them for a profit, as the advertised prices are $1800 and up everywhere outside of the Swarovski shoppe.
Honestly, I did think this Swarovski crystal panther would be sold out in just a few days. The panther was a well-liked design. The maximum production is low (888 units), and the price point is affordable. I thought this would be a winning combination for Swarovski crystal collectors. My thoughts now are that perhaps collectors are thinking three panthers are ENOUGH. Or perhaps, collectors are still a bit nervous about an orange panther.
In any case, we urge collectors to double-check with the Swarovski site before making a decision to purchase elsewhere. Some eBay sellers are reporting that it is sold out, when in fact, it is not. If there is a particular sequence number that is a must have, then the seller has the upper hand on pricing. If not, buy it where is it priced the lowest.
The designer for the Swarovski Soulmate Panther figurines is Heinz Tabertshofer. All the crystal figurines are fully faceted animals attached to black spot granite bases. The limited editions are engraved in the granite base with a unique # and the words limited online edition. Swarovski Panthers have been sold in the following colors: clear, black, moroda, and orange.
The Limited Edition Black Panther is trading at seller-prodfitable prices on the secondary market, in the $3000 to $3500 range. If this is any long-term indicator of success for the Swarovski Limited Edition Orange Shine Panther, you’ll want place your order now, so that you won’t have to pay secondary market prices to add it to your Swarovski crystal collection. Should this occur before you get the Panther added to your collection, check out the the “Limited Edition Swarovski” category of our store at .
Angie / Crystal Exchange America
Swarovski crystal figurines are available at Crystal Exchange America, a professional brokerage service of 25 years, dedicated to helping Swarovski collectors buy and sell retired Swarovski crystal figurines, ornaments, and collectibles.
Crystal Exchange America is reputable, knowledgeable, and has a world-wide customer base with thousands of satisfied customers. Swarovski crystal fanatics can go to to obtain more information about safely listing, buying, and selling retired Swarovski, limited edition Swarovski, Swarovski Silver Crystal, and Swarovski crystal figurines.